Let the Spirit Speak

Intuitive Energy Readings $60

Energy readings give you clarity and insight of your life. Most people are not taught about the energy they posses, faulting them of their very own gifts, abilities, and insights. I give guidance and answer any questions including but not limited to dream interpretation, spirituality, love life situations, and purification process which gives the client notable solutions. The information given to the client brings clarity and demonstrates how to materialize their desires. Readings are customized to fit the need of the client. The space that is provided is sacred and confidential. 

**Note: Your finances are a consequence of your actions. Don't chase the money. Know that you are "money" and it comes naturally as a result of your labor. 

Soul Retrieval $120

     Soul retrieval is the healing and of the spirit body through a meditative induce state. As people experience trauma, parts of the soul becomes fragmented in those traumatic states; which effect our being as a whole and is seen throughout the person's responses and perception of life. Healing those shards, bringing the soul closer to homeostasis and wholeness.    


(Self Studies) 

Imagine being given a "user manual" for your life. How would this user manual help you? The manual would guide you on how to navigate life perfectly aligned with who you are. Detailing your talents, skills, and potential it would give you a map for actualizing these. It would help you understand how you are designed to engage with the world and show you where you are susceptible to your environment's influence and conditioning. The manual reveals how your inner guidance system operates and provides you with practical techniques for making decisions that can greatly enhance your experience of life.

This is what the Human Design System has to offer. Simply put, if you want to

  • Discover how to Improve the quality of your life in a simple yet immensely effective way
  • Make the right moment-to-moment decisions, resulting in improved relationships and career choices
  • Manage the challenges that are part of daily life without getting overwhelmed

Intro Human Design Reading (HDR) $85

1. Your Type: Strategy for Living Life

In Human Design, each Type has its own Strategy. Your Strategy aligns your life to the correct geometry, eliminates resistance and offers the great challenge of awareness to your personality. Most important is to experiment with your Strategy; learning to use it will change your life. By eliminating the power of Conditioning, which creates static and obscures who you really are, you become better able to live out the uniqueness that is your right. It is a simple method of being in the world without resistance; a Strategy for living life according to who you truly are.

2. Your Inner Authority: Decision Making

We are all born with a place of Inner Authority. Your Inner Authority reveals one of the most important things in life. It's very simple-to be able to make decisions correctly as yourself. By experimenting with your Strategy and Inner Authority, you begin to align yourself to who you are and the world around you, launching an insightful journey of discovery.

3. Conditioning: The Power of the Not-Self Mind

Everything that is open in your design, everything that is "white" or not colored in, is a receptor to Conditioning. These receptors affect your mind and create what the Human Design System calls the Not-Self. This overwhelming Conditioning distorts our perspective and influences how the mind makes decisions. To be overwhelmed by the openness means that you live a distorted mental life with a mind always under pressure, in turmoil, subject to anxiety, stress and confusion.

Contrary to what we have been taught throughout our life, the mind is not equipped to make decisions. It can assess and ponder decisions, working out the pros and cons, but it cannot be trusted as the ultimate decision maker. Strategy and Authority provide a way around this, revealing your Conditioning. Coupled with the Strategy and Authority of your design, you will begin the experiment of living without encountering resistance and suffering.

4. Definition:

Your definition defines how smoothly energy flows through your body
It determines whether you're designed to be alone, in relationships, or in groups


Your profile let's you know how your conscious and unconscious mind work
It determines the role you're here to play out as a passenger-consciousness-being

6.Open Centers:

Your open centers determine how you are influenced by the outside world and others It shows you were you are vulnerable and need to be aware of taking on other's energy

7.Defined Centers:

Your defined centers determine the consistent access of energy you have within you
They let you know what you are designed to give out into the world

Advanced Human Design Reading (HDR) $150

1. Gates:

Your gates show your personality and unconscious traits that you have inherited

It shows you the energetic blueprint to living completely as yourself


Your channels show you your gifts that you're here to share with the world
It let's you know what you will be recognized for or invited to give

3.Nodal Polarities:

Your nodal polarities show you the environment you will live in both stages of life
Your south nodal environment before age 43 and your north nodal after age 43

4.Incarnation Cross:

Your incarnation cross reveals to you your life purpose
Once you are operation correctly as yourself your incarnation cross will come to light

Call now and get a 15 min. consultation. (803) 678-7072 or submit a form and wait to be followed up with.

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